How to Remove MDM from iPad or iPhone – MDM Bypass on any iOS

MDM Bypass on any iOS – Are you dealing with the frustrating MDM (Mobile Device Management) lock on your iPhone or iPad, which keeps asking for a username and password? If you’re looking to bypass this obstacle and regain control of your iOS device, you’ve come to the right place.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to remove MDM from your iPhone effectively. Before we delve into the process, don’t forget to follow us on all our social media channels @naijagadgetsdotcom for more valuable content.

Download the Unlock Tool

How to Remove MDM from iPad or iPhone
How to Remove MDM from iPad or iPhone

To initiate the process of removing MDM from your iOS device, you’ll need the right tool. Visit the website (link provided in the description) and download the “Pass App iPhone Unlock Tool.” This all-in-one tool is designed to tackle various iPhone-related issues, including screen locks, passcodes, and MDM locks. Importantly, it works for both Windows and macOS users. In this guide, we’ll use a Windows PC for the demonstration.

Install and Launch the Tool

After successfully downloading the tool, proceed to install it on your computer. Once installation is complete, launch the “Pass App iPhone Unlock Tool” to begin the MDM removal process.

Removing MDM Lock

Connect Your iPhone

Using a USB cable, establish a connection between your iPhone and your computer. Ensure that your device is recognized by the tool.

Bypassing the MDM Lock

Now that your iPhone is connected, click on the “Bypass MDM” option within the tool. Then, click on “Start.” The tool will initiate the MDM bypassing process, which should only take a few seconds.


Once the MDM bypass process is complete, you’ll receive a success message. At this point, you can either click “Done” or wait for your iPhone to restart. Your MDM lock has been successfully removed!

Additional Features

Apart from MDM removal, the Pass App iPhone Unlock Tool offers the following features:

  • Removing Apple ID without a Password: If you’re locked out of your Apple ID, this tool can help you regain access.
  • Eliminating Screen Time Restrictions: This feature allows you to remove any imposed screen time limits on your device.


With the assistance of the Pass App iPhone Unlock Tool, you can seamlessly remove the MDM lock from your iOS device. This process ensures that you regain control over your device without compromising any data. We hope this guide has been helpful to you.

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Frequently Asked Question about removing MDM from iphones

What is MDM, and why would I need to remove it from my iPhone?

MDM stands for Mobile Device Management, a security feature used by organizations to control and secure mobile devices. You may need to remove it if you want to regain control of your device and remove any restrictions imposed by an organization.

Is this method safe for my iPhone?

Yes, this method is safe and doesn’t result in data loss. It allows you to remove the MDM lock without compromising your device’s functionality.

Can I use this tool for other iPhone-related issues?

Absolutely! The Pass App iPhone Unlock Tool is versatile and can help you with various iPhone-related problems, such as removing Apple IDs or screen time restrictions.

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