“If only we would have someone like him in Nigeria”, Nigerians wish as El Savador’s President signs law Eliminating Taxes on Technology Innovations

El Salvador has taken a major step towards becoming a haven for technology innovation by eliminating taxes on technology advancements. On May 3rd, President Nayib Bukele signed a bill that eliminates income, property, capital gains, and tariffs on technology innovations. This new law called the “Innovation and Technology Manufacturing Incentive Act” aims to attract tech developments to the country and promote economic growth. He also broke this amazing news on Twitter. Check out the tweet below

Everyone is talking about it currently with so many citizens of different countries wishing a law like this was passed in their geographical locations. The Nigerian population is not also left out in this wishing bubble, particularly those in the tech sector and business community.

Nigerians have reacted to this development with a mix of excitement, curiosity, and a keen interest in how it could potentially impact their own country’s technology landscape. They also wonder if the incoming presidents and governors would enact laws like this to attract more investments in the country.

The news has since gone viral and drawn a lot of exciting reactions from Nigerians, Americans and Internet user from different parts of the world. Here are some of them:


@HectorYanez said “If only we would have someone like him in Venezuela…”

@Rub3nC said “Amazing! Looks like Salvador will be the silicon valley of Latam, good job! “

@DukeM_ai said ” this should encourage more startups and entrepreneurs and boost their economy. Huge Win”

Government Response and Expectations

Nigerians are looking to their own government for a response to El Salvador’s progressive move. They hope that policymakers in Nigeria will take note of the positive outcomes in El Salvador and consider implementing similar policies to spur technology growth and create an enabling environment for startups and tech companies.

Comparative Analysis

Some Nigerians have taken a closer look at El Salvador’s law and are analyzing its implications for their own country. They are comparing the benefits of El Salvador’s tax-free environment with Nigeria’s current tax structure, which can be perceived as a hindrance to tech growth. This has ignited discussions and debates about the need for tax incentives and a more favorable business environment for technology startups in Nigeria.

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